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until Christ is formed in you ! - Gal 4:19
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Current Sermon Series

Revelation is a mysterious book, but John tells us in Revelation 1:3 that it is a blessing to read, hear, and follow. In the first part of our series (Rev 1-3) we learned that the book as a whole is calling us to persevere in faith as we see the day of Christ return drawing near. In Revelation 4:1 Jesus says he is now going to show John “what must take place after this.” In the second part of our Revelation series we will explore all that Jesus has said will take place from Revelation 4-22. We will start with the Lamb in the throne room of God, and end with the Lamb dwelling with us in the New Heavens and New Earth. We invite you to come and learn about what Jesus has said is to come and how to persevere in faith through it all.
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CloseJared Jenkins - February 2, 2025
Revelation - The Great Harvest

This Sunday we will dive into Revelation 14 which shows us what will be the end of believers and unbelievers when Jesus returns. This is the first passage in Revelation that shows us Jesus returning to the earth and what will happen as He does so. Believers will be kept secure in the new city of God singing praises to the Father and the Son about their work of salvation in their lives. Unbelievers will face the wrath of God as Jesus comes to judge the earth, and for those that don’t repent, eternal destruction in Hell. Jesus coming is pictured as a harvest. He is coming to harvest both believers and unbelievers and gather His people into His house, and cast out unbelievers to the fire. This is both an encouraging passage for those that know Jesus, but also a sobering passage as we think about all those that don’t know Jesus. How should we respond to a passage like this? One, give our lives to Christ. Two, keep persevering in faith all the way to the end. Three, join God’s mission to save people out of the world. How is God calling you to respond to this passage?
Scripture References: Revelation 14:1-20
Related Topics: Revelation | More Messages from Jared Jenkins | Download Audio
From Series: "2025 - Persevere in Faith - The Book of Revelation - The Things That Must Soon Take Place"
Revelation is a mysterious book, but John tells us in Revelation 1:3 that it is a blessing to read, hear, and follow. In the first part of our series (Rev 1-3) we learned that the book as a whole is calling us to persevere in faith as we see the day of Christ return drawing near. In Revelation 4:1 Jesus says he is now going to show John “what must take place after this.” In the second part of our Revelation series we will explore all that Jesus has said will take place from Revelation 4-22. We will start with the Lamb in the throne room of God, and end with the Lamb dwelling with us in the New Heavens and New Earth. We invite you to come and learn about what Jesus has said is to come and how to persevere in faith through it all.
More From "2025 - Persevere in Faith - The Book of Revelation - The Things That Must Soon Take Place"

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Revelation - Worship the Lamb
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Revelation 4:1-11, Revelation 5:1-14

January 12, 2025
Revelation - The Seven Seals
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Genesis 8:1-5, Genesis 7:1-17, Genesis 6:1-17

January 19, 2025
Revelation - The Seven Trumpets
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Revelation 11:1-19, Revelation 10:1-11, Revelation 9:1-21, Revelation 8:6-13

January 26, 2025
Revelation - The Woman and the Dragon
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Revelation 13:1-18, Revelation 12:1-17

February 2, 2025
Revelation - The Great Harvest
Jared Jenkins
Revelation 14:1-20

February 9, 2025
Revelation - The Seven Bowls
Jared Jenkins
Revelation 15:1-8, Revelation 16:1-21

February 16, 2025
Revelation - The Judgment of Babylon and the Beast
Jared Jenkins
Revelation 17:1-18, Revelation 18:1-24, Revelation 19:1-5

February 23, 2025
Revelation - The Marriage Feast
Jared Jenkins
Revelation 19:6-21

March 2, 2025
Revelation - The Millennial Reign of Christ
Dr. Mike Kirby
Revelation 20:1-15
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