Join us on Easter Sunday, April 20! Two services at 9am and 11am

until Christ is formed in you ! - Gal 4:19

Join us this Sunday at Risen Life Church in Holladay, Utah as we worship Jesus!

Current Sermon Series

This Easter season join us as we take a look at seven characters from the New Testament and their different experiences of the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Christ. From Barbaras, to Pilate, to Jesus, and even Thomas, the people that witnessed the cross of Christ experienced different aspects of the Gospel which caused many of them to believe. As we look at each of these characters we hope that it will illuminate the Gospel in your heart and that you will experience the cross in a profound way this Easter.

Latest Sermon

Ben Sutton - March 23, 2025


Join us as our College and Young Adults Minister Ben Sutton brings us a message on Barabbas and his view of the crucifiction of Jesus.

Scripture References: John 18:39, Luke 23:18-25, Matthew 27:15-23, Mark 15:6-15

From Series: "2025 - Experiencing the Cross"

This Easter season join us as we take a look at seven characters from the New Testament and their different experiences of the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Christ. From Barbaras, to Pilate, to Jesus, and even Thomas, the people that witnessed the cross of Christ experienced different aspects of the Gospel which caused many of them to believe. As we look at each of these characters we hope that it will illuminate the Gospel in your heart and that you will experience the cross in a profound way this Easter.

Scripture References YouVersion

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We offer Spanish translation during the 10:30am service

Traducción al español disponible durante el servicio

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Easter & Holy Week

Join us for Holy Week and celebrate what God has done for us!


Palm Sunday: April 13 at 10:30am (9:15am discipleship classes)
Good Friday: April 18 at 6:30pm
Easter: April 20 at 9am and 11am (no discipleship classes)

Prayer & Worship Night
Every Wednesday at 1:15am
Worship Service
Every Sunday at 4:30pm
Good Friday Service