Today was a busy day. It started with a lot of handshakes and hugs with friends at Krista Kralija, catching up with people we’ve met before. Krešo already asked for dibs next year to cook Thai food together.
Worship service started with praise-filled songs, followed by Ja’s introduction of Risen Life Church and some of the activities there. It’s an encouragement/nudge to members in Croatia to volunteer in various parts of the church. Then Scott gave the message on the 5 W’s of witnessing. The packed room nodded along as he listed each supporting scripture. They also thanked Risen Life for the wonderful gift of the condenser microphones that will allow the church to livestream Sunday services. Meanwhile Sunday school kids had a ball hearing the Easter story, coloring eggs, and singing new songs.
Please pray for Krista Kralija’s interim remodeling plan. The sale of the current church fell through, and construction of the new and larger church campus was put on hold. So the new plan is to buy the small strip of land behind the church to pave more parking spaces by April if the weather holds. They will tear down the small back building and replace with 2 levels shipping container-style worship center plus Sunday school by fall and to rent out the current house church.
Then we braved the rainy, flooded roads to have lunch with Ivan and Ines Špoljarić before heading to Karlovac. As we arrived, the door of Baptistička Crkva (Baptist Church) in city center was already open, playing music for everyone in the neighborhood to hear. Old southern-style hymns played with electric guitar, organ and accordion.
Ja presented RLC to Baptistička Crkva. And Scott gave the message on witnessing. Again, the people were nodding in agreement, including people from Burundi and Ukraine. Each trip to Croatia brings new fellowships. They are truly a blessing. We were invited to join the pastor’s extended family for dinner that had laughter late into the night and included Ja’s new favorite condiment, “angry” ajvar sauce. Please pray for Pastor Ladislov’s congregation as they take the gospel to the many parts of Karlovac.