Today we made 2 pans of rice crispies, one US and the other with Croatian Happy Choco Rice cereal and marshmallow. After much ado on conversion because there was no measuring cup at the bnb, we picked up 2 teenagers, Danijel and Filip, at church for the Statehood Day (Independence from Yugoslavia) BBQ, where Danijel was to be re-baptized.

The half hour drive to Lupoglav included a 5k tunnel and a few 1-lane 2-way streets. Scott paid strict attention to the speed limit and arrived last. What we’d thought was a visit to the drug rehab center before the BBQ turned out to be celebration of 60 people at the center, hosted by the patients. The resort surrounding was breathtaking, from the stone yurts to the emerald forest below. The baptismal was a turquoise blue swimming pool.

The burger patties, sausage, chicken and pork came lightly charred with a side of bread, green and potato salads. After the ice cream, most people left before the coffee, cookies and rice crispies arrived. But somehow there were none to take home. From Psalm 133, Mile gave his testimony on his life at the orphanage and institution, and how Pastor Milan helped him leave and go to culinary school. Then Pastor Milan have a sermon on living for what mattered from Psalm 37. Then we’d blessed Danijel, praised God and played a board game together.

Throughout the day, we’d met Marin, a drug dealer who’d prayed to God to protect his drug run and was saved in prison. Toni, who needed help through a messy divorce and estrangement of his daughter, found that God was always with him. Peter from Bavaria who moved to Rijeka to escape the oppressive government. And Danijel and Filip who, like many increasing teenagers, felt anxious, depressed and deeply affected by the school shootings in Serbia and Bosnia.

Please pray that our new friends’ curiosity and hunger for God will stay ablaze and spread throughout the valley. For continued healing at the center in body, mind and spirit. And for each church member to share boldly without fear of language or other barriers.


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