Men’s Ministry

Men’s ministry aims to equip, disciple, encourage, and strengthen men to be all that God has called them to be. We aim to have a connection each month. Here are a few events you can look to engage in:

  • Men’s Ministry Meat Up – Join us as we eat great food, share time in the word and have a fun activity. Previous events have included a poker night, corn hole tournament, four-square pickleball and more. This is a great opportunity for men to get connected!
  • Men’s Deep Dive – Join us as we take a deeper look into understanding our faith and knowledge of scripture.
  • Men’s Retreat – Our guys get away for a weekend in the fall to challenge each other, grow in their faith, worship, and have fun. 


Our men’s leadership team is working hard to add events that will provide opportunities to connect, learn, and grow. Check the church calendar for upcoming events. Contact Pastor Sean to get involved in this amazing ministry!

Sean Patrick

Worship & Men’s Minister

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all you do be done in love.

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