About Us
About Us
Risen Life Church is located in the wider metropolitan area of Salt Lake City in Holladay, UT. Our church held its first service May 19th, 1957 under its former name of Holladay Baptist Church and has steadily grown and changed over the last 60+ years.
Risen Life has always had a heart for reaching Salt Lake City and Utah for the Gospel. Over the years Risen Life Church has made significant efforts to plant churches and strengthen others, and continues to do so today. On any given Sunday you will find the saints here gathered together for moving worship and Biblical preaching.

Our Mission
The mission of Risen Life Church is to see Real Life Transformation and Real Life Multiplication happening in our church and community.
Real-life Transformation (starting with salvation to baptism to maturity in Christ) is, at its core, the worship of Christ (Romans 12:1-2). See our Discipleship Wheel to learn more.
Christ is clear that our mission is mission (Acts 1:8), from sharing Christ to our next-door neighbor to being a light in our communities to going to the ends of the earth with His Good News of redemption. Learn more here.
At Risen Life we believe in Biblical, healthy leadership structures that help us carry out the vision we believe that God has given us for growing his kingdom in Salt Lake City, Utah, and around the world.
We are an elder-led and -protected church. The final authority for the church, under God, rests with the Elders. The day to day operation of the church is led by church staff in conjunction with multitudes of lay people and volunteers who faithfully serve throughout the week.

Our Beliefs
What do we believe about the Bible, The Triune God, and Creation? Learn more about what we teach at Risen Life Church in our confessional statement and specific doctrinal statements.
More than anything else, we want you to know that there is a God in the heavens that loves you and cares about all the details of your life. He wants a relationship with you.
Join Us This Sunday
We would love to meet you and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. We have services every Sunday at 10:30am and discipleship classes for all ages before that at 9:15am. Plan a visit to worship our one true King with us this Sunday at Risen Life.