Picked up Igor this morning to pass out tracts and new testaments at the Korzo. It was really busy there because there were end-of-year school booths to connect with the kids. We didn’t have many takers, but Igor believed that our presence helped remind people there’s still a Christian church nearby.

After a traditional lunch with Igor, where we compared and comtrasted our churches, we met our Italian friend at Francopan’s Trsat castle, where the tower was still draped with the national flag for Statehood Day. Then at the Peek & Poke Computer Museum, Scott played the rebuilt theramin and Super Mario Bros.

The evening prayer meeting had a good turn out and started with praise songs. We prayed for each Risen Life prayer request individually (summited by Pastor Kevin). The group also lifted up Israel, Ukraine, and Krista Kralja Church. Please pray for Igor’s unsaved family and Risen Life.

1. Pray for the advancement of the gospel in Salt Lake City

2. Pray for wisdom to disciple the new believers in our church

3. Pray for our missions teams going to Croatia, Japan and Guatemala. Pray for safety, encouragement and fruitfulness in ministry

4. Pray for our vacation Bible school June 26-29. Pray that many unreached families will find Jesus

5. Pray for new ways to reach the poor, hurting and disenfranchised in Salt Lake City


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