Day 9 Feb 17, 2024
Today was spent with the Krizmanic family seeing the countryside. After meeting them at their apartment, we drove to Trakošćan Castle near the Slovenian border about 50 minutes from Varaždin.
The earliest parts of the castle were constructed in the 13th century and passed between several families. From the mid 16th century to 1945 the Draskovic family were the owners. It began as a fortress, later a hunting lodge, and now a museum showcasing artifacts from centuries past. The large hunting rifle collection was quite interesting, as well as the suits of armor and edicts from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
As Scott’s new three year old best friend, Elisej, led the tour, we talked with Danijel about life in Varaždin after leaving his church in Požega. There were a lot of big changes, but God always provided. From the apartment, the replacement salary, to a visit with Ksenia’s parents in Ukraine. Please pray for their ministry in a new town and a new baby, Pavlo, and work life balance with young children.