Jared Jenkins – January 26, 2025

Revelation – The Woman and the Dragon

Due to technical issues we are unable to offer an audio only version of today’s sermon. Today we will jump into Chapter 12 & 13 of the book of Revelation. This is a great section of scripture that gives us a grand metaphor for what God is doing in the world to save his people and our place in it. The history of redemption is likened to an ongoing saga between a woman who is giving birth and a great dragon. If you like novels about dragons, these chapters are for you! God’s people by faith are pictured as the woman through whom God will bring forth Christ. The dragon plays the part of Satan who is ready to swallow up God’s Son as soon as he is born and stop God’s work of redemption. Of course God superintends and saves his Son accomplishing salvation for the nations, and Satan in response wages an ongoing war against the woman and all her children until Christ returns. God’s promise to his people is that he will save them, take care of them, and protect them as they journey through the exodus of this life to the New Heavens and New Earth. This passage reminds us that despite how the world may appear to us, we are in a pitched spiritual battle. Nothing is neutral and Christians must always be on the lookout trying to discern where the next attack may come from and who is with God or not. The good news is Satan has been defeated in heaven and by the cross and we will overcome our enemy through the Gospel. Because of the Gospel there is no more condemnation for those in Christ. We have been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and Satan cannot accuse us anymore. We may still face suffering at his hands, but his time is short. As we persevere in faith, God will sustain us until Christ’s return.

Scripture References: Revelation 13:1-18, Revelation 12:1-17

From Series: “2025 – Persevere in Faith – The Book of Revelation – The Things That Must Soon Take Place

Revelation is a mysterious book, but John tells us in Revelation 1:3 that it is a blessing to read, hear, and follow. In the first part of our series (Rev 1-3) we learned that the book as a whole is calling us to persevere in faith as we see the day of Christ return drawing near. In Revelation 4:1 Jesus says he is now going to show John “what must take place after this.” In the second part of our Revelation series we will explore all that Jesus has said will take place from Revelation 4-22. We will start with the Lamb in the throne room of God, and end with the Lamb dwelling with us in the New Heavens and New Earth. We invite you to come and learn about what Jesus has said is to come and how to persevere in faith through it all.

Scripture References YouVersion

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