Jared Jenkins – February 9, 2025

Revelation – The Seven Bowls

As the nation readies itself for the yearly battle between two of the best NFL teams tomorrow, we will be preparing ourselves for the final battle that will occur between God and the world. Revelation 15-16 gives us a glimpse of the final battle that Satan and the world are preparing to wage against God. No need to worry for believers, God will win and already has. God will put down this final rebellion once and for all. God will be true to his character and bring about justice and righteousness in the world. These chapters in Revelation recount the seven bowls of God’s wrath that God’s angels will pour out on the world to accomplish this last fight. Jesus warns us this last battle could come at any time. He also encourages us to be ready for the fight. How do we do that? Jesus says, stay awake and keep yourself clothed in the righteous clothes he provides. In other words we need to be ready and aware of what the evil world is doing around us and not be deceived by their tricks. We are to persevere in faith, continue to do the things of Christians, and keep trusting God. Once God wins the battle we will worship him forever.

Scripture References: Revelation 15:1-8, Revelation 16:1-21

From Series: “2025 – Persevere in Faith – The Book of Revelation – The Things That Must Soon Take Place

Revelation is a mysterious book, but John tells us in Revelation 1:3 that it is a blessing to read, hear, and follow. In the first part of our series (Rev 1-3) we learned that the book as a whole is calling us to persevere in faith as we see the day of Christ return drawing near. In Revelation 4:1 Jesus says he is now going to show John “what must take place after this.” In the second part of our Revelation series we will explore all that Jesus has said will take place from Revelation 4-22. We will start with the Lamb in the throne room of God, and end with the Lamb dwelling with us in the New Heavens and New Earth. We invite you to come and learn about what Jesus has said is to come and how to persevere in faith through it all.

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