At Risen Life we believe in Biblical, healthy leadership structures that help us carry out the vision we believe that God has given us for growing his kingdom in Salt Lake City, Utah, and around the world. Below we have listed the major components our our leadership structure and how the function within our church. Our church members participate in many ways in the governing of our church, including nominating members for elders and the Church Leadership Team (CLT).
Risen Life is an Elder-led church. We believe that having a group of elders to lead the church is the leadership structure given in the Bible.
Risen Life Church is also staff-driven. This means the elders give the staff vision and direction, and charge them with carrying out the work of the church in line with the vision.
Church Leadership Team (CLT)
The CLT is made up of a cross-section of members from the church that serve as an advisory board to the elders.
We believe the New Testament also lays out the office of Deacon. Deacons oversee various care and service ministries at Risen Life so that the Elders can devote themselves to prayer and preaching.